Given that Your Next Big Trip is still a little baby blog I’m delighted to accept a nomination for the Liebster Award.

What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is an award given to bloggers, by bloggers. It celebrates new blogs that are working hard to get things up and running. The rules are a little fluid but generally it is for blogs with around 200 followers. I have been equally fluid in my nominations so I hope you find some great new blogs to follow!
It’s exciting to be recognised by the blogging community so I have to thank Nadine from Le Long Weekend for nominating Your Next Big Trip. Like me, Nadine believes in making the most of her free time. Her weekend itineraries will inspire you to take a big trip whenever you can. Check out her beautiful photo essay from Santorini. It definitely inspired my next trip!
My questions from Le Long Weekend:
How did you come up with your blog name?
People often told me I should start a travel blog. My answer every time was- what would I call it? One day Your Next Big Trip just popped into my head and so I figured I had no excuses left!
How long have you been blogging?
I began the blog in June 2016 in anticipation of my 7 week African trip. Two weeks in my computer died so I spent a summer living in the moment. Now that I’m back home I’m ready to tell you all about my adventures.
What inspired you to start a travel blog?
Despite the growing popularity of tourism in African countries, most people still ask me questions like “is it safe? Is it not very expensive? What would you even do there if you’re not volunteering?” All valid questions given the way Africa as a continent is portrayed in the Western media. However, I want people to see that a big trip is more accessible than you think.

With friends at Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania. Travelling with a friend who has been there before is a great way to see a country you’re nervous about.
What are your goals for your blog?
I want people to interact with the blog, ask for advice, give me some advice and just generally shift the mindset that these amazing destinations are somehow off-limits to ordinary people.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to a new blogger?
Connect with other bloggers. They are the best source of advice on everything from managing your website to editing photos to growing your following. They will also provide you with amazing travel inspiration every time you go on social media!
What other work do you do/did you do before blogging?
I am a full time Primary School teacher. I am currently teaching Junior Infants which keeps me on my toes when I’m not on the road! And who better to inspire you to follow your dreams than 4 year olds?! If I told them I was going to the moon for my October break they would genuinely wish me well and send me on my way. We all could do with some of that optimism.
Where are you from?
I’m from Waterford- Ireland’s oldest city.
Where do you live now & what’s the best thing about it?
I live in Waterford. The best thing about Waterford is definitely its arts and culture scene. From Waterford Walls- a street art festival that painted the city to the Imagine Arts festival that brings international artists and musicians to Waterford, there is always something happening!

Some of the Waterford Walls street art overlooking this year’s Harvest Festival
Where is the last place you travelled?
The last place I travelled was Dublin for a concert but my last big trip was through Zambia, Namibia, South Africa and Zanzibar.
Where are you heading to next?
Next I am heading to Greece, to the beautiful island of Crete!
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
If someone handed me an open plane ticket right now, I would probably go somewhere like Ghana or India because I’ve read so much about them. The honest answer: if I could go anywhere, I would go everywhere!

Admiring the emerald water at Vintgar Gorge.
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list!”
Now it’s my turn. Check out these great new travel bloggers to inspire Your Next Big Trip!
My View From Abroad: After following her Naval Officer husband around the globe for more than 10 years, Lisa Susan now resides in Edinburgh. With a passion for vintage treasures and design, her quirky destinations will keep you entertained.
UpCultured: Hudjy began UpCultured to explore the unique cultural heritage of the places he visits. UpCultured doesn’t just visit a place, it gets under the skin of a destination to explore food, dance and music. This is a travel blog with a difference and one that I’ll be following closely.
‘Tween Here and There: This bilingual blog is available in French or English. With stunning photographs and descriptions of unusual destinations, your bucket list will certainly get longer by the time you’ve finished reading.
A Spoonful of Travel: Jean hails from Cork and was a self declared home-bird. After taking her first trip at 16 she caught the travel bug and now lives in Australia, inspiring others to make the move too. Her photo of the week is always something to look forward to.
The Alternative Ways: These guys are just getting started but their concept is ambitious. They plan to showcase alternative ways to travel. You can be sure to end up doing something unique if you follow their recommendations.
My questions for the new nominees:
- How did you come up with your blog name?
- Why did you set up your blog?
- What do you do apart from blogging?
- Where do you live now and what’s the best thing about it?
- Where was the last place you travelled to?
- If I handed you an open plane ticket, where would you go?
- How do you get a feel for the local culture of a place you are visiting?
- What is the first thing you do when you arrive somewhere new?
- How do you travel? Are you a planner/spontanous?
- Do you prefer long periods in one place or to see as many places as possible in one go?
- Tell us one place you would move to in a heartbeat, and one place you will be happy to never see again!
Congratulations for the first blogging Award. This is the starting of success & you will get more sucess as you have done the work. I was also unable to know Liebster Award but you have well explain about Liebster Award.
Keep doing wonderful work…!!!
Thank you so much! It’s exciting to hear from other bloggers so I hope you enjoy reading 🙂
Congrats on your Liebster award! I love the sense of community this award creates. I would love, love LOVE go head to Africa, you’re so lucky that you got to go for so long! I’m going to have go check out further blog posts on your site to live vicariously through you until I can get there!!
I hope you get to go too! I’ve been to Southern and East Africa 5 times now and already can’t wait to get back. There is so much to see and do and really feel like you’re off the beaten path 🙂
I love reading these Liebster posts because you get to really know the blogger 🙂 I just finished the Africa series by David Attenborough so I’m always so intrigued by people who have actually traveled in Africa! Happy travels- you’re going to LOVE Crete!!! Make sure you stop by Elafonissi and Balos Lagoon 🙂
I’m so relieved that you said Elafonisi and Balos. I just left today and when I started reading “make sure you stop by…” I was terrified it would be somewhere I missed. Thankfully I made it to both. I think Balos is one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen!
Congrats! Your blog is no longer a baby, she is walking and making noise. This is my first time hearing about this award but it seems to be great for us new bloggers. Keep up the amazing work!
Thank you! It’s always great to support each other and find new bloggers to follow so I’m glad to be able to contribute 🙂
Congrats on your first award! Excited to read about your big Africa trip, somewhere I would love to go at some point <3
I’m slowly but surely getting through all of the content that I want to post. I could talk forever about travel in Africa. If you are even considering it, just go for it! Tanzania would be a great place to start for your first trip.
Congrats on your Liebster award and thanks for sharing some newer travel blogs. I’ll check them out (and yours too, of course!). 🙂
Thank you! I hope you find something that interests you!
Whoo hoo. Congrats on your Liebster. I hope you’ll find that being a teacher will open the world for you. So many cultures in so many places value teaching above almost any other vocation. We are looking forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Thank you for your lovely comment! I definitely find teaching to be the perfect profession for travelling, not only for the holidays which enable me to travel, but also for the value travel brings to my job. One of my favourite things to do after a trip is to plan lessons based on where I’ve been (curriculum dependent of course). For my 4-5 years olds we once had a week long rota of play activities based on safari. It was probably my most fun week in work! Thanks for reading 🙂 Clíodhna
Congrats on your Liebster! How exciting. I want to visit those exact countries you mentioned above in Africa so I will definitely be going through your blog and getting all the info I can!
Congrats again Cliodhna! I enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know you a little better 🙂